Thursday, May 14, 2009

Shamed On You!

Last night when I pulled my car out of the parking lane there was this motor bike came out of nowhere on the pavement side of the road that supposed to be for pedestrians and hit my car from the side. And there was an old man ride this bike and fell off right next to my car. I was kind of felt sorry for him since he is indeed an old man, but because of he was the one who hit my car and damaged it quite a bit, so of course, I expected him to at least say sorry or something, right? But nope, he pulled his bike up and drove off to the villa not too far from the scene then run in. I was watching all time doing his some kind of action while I drove my car back to the parking side, and yeah, I remember his face clearly. So yeah, for sure, I took a walk down to this villa just to talk to him and at least he can give me details of his insurance so I could collect them, just like a normal accident happened.
I went there just to find that the lobby for the villa was empty, nobody was there, not even a bloody receptionist! Waited a while, the old guy who hit my car came out with the exact same outfit, only this time he brought a helmet with him which he didn’t have it earlier. So yeah, I confronted him about the accident which only happened like two minutes ago, but he didn’t admitted it. Well, maybe the accident gave him an amnesia so that he couldn’t remember anything. Beside, as I said before, he’s an old man, so maybe there was an age issue also here.
Then I went home with this upset feeling inside me that makes me cried while driving. I have so many things in my mind that I wanted to say but I couldn’t. Hey, I told you that I’m not good in confrontation, aren’t I? So yeah, I was just went home crying over my weakness and hating myself for that. In the other hand, my man cheered me up and said that was one of my jinx followed me, as a joke of course. I was okay now, but still, I really hope that that idiot would have a very bad karma for what he did and perhaps he can just get run over by someone so that he can feel what I felt last night. I really hate people who refused to be responsible for what he or she did. That was just a coward attitude and you should be ashamed with yourself, specially if you are old enough to be wise and sensible. Shamed on you!

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