Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Brangelina Donated $1 Million To Haiti Relief

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie together at an awards show in all black

Devastated by the recent disaster that hit Haiti, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie pledged $1 Million to the relief fund in the wake of the disaster.

Brangelina donated the large chunk to Doctors Without Borders, which is sending emergency medical operations to the destroyed nation.

“We understand the first response is critical to serve the immediate needs of countless people who are now displaced from their homes, are suffering trauma, and most require urgent care,” Pitt said in a statement.

Several other celebrities and entertainment companies have come forth to aid in the recovery of the devastation.

The Hollywood Foreign Press, the group behind the Golden Globes, announced Thursday they are giving $100,000 to Haiti native Wyclef Jean’s Yele Haiti relief fund.
Viacom, parent to MTV and Paramount, is setting up a $500,000 matching gift program.
Walt Disney Co. is giving the Red Cross $100,000

Oprah Winfrey: “This is a time where we, as a global nation, should come together and support those who are in need.”

Wyclef: “I cannot stress enough what a human disaster this is, and idle hands will only make this tragedy worse. The over 2 million people in Port-au-Prince tonight face catastrophe alone. We must act now.”

Chris Martin, Coldplay: “I visited Haiti with Oxfam a few years ago. It’s a country of extreme poverty and brutal living conditions. Most people in Port-au-Prince live in tin shacks. The earthquake that has struck Haiti will have turned the city into an unimaginable hell.”

Ben Stiller: “People in Haiti need our help and attention right now.”

Scarlett Johansson: “My heart goes out to the millions of people affected by the tragic events that have afflicted Haiti. As an ambassador of Oxfam, I urge those who are able to donate to the organization which currently has over 200 people on the ground and a team of 15 highly-experienced emergency specialists based in the capital that are responding with public health, water and sanitation services to prevent the spread of water borne disease.”

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