Tuesday, April 5, 2011

After Affects Of The ‘Balloon Boy’ Stunt

Richard Heene and Falcon Heene pointing to the sky

The hottest topic in the media has brought us further information. Richard Heene, father of the ‘Balloon Boy’, Falcon Heene, 6, who was supposedly trapped inside a UFO-shaped, experimental hot-air balloon, that sailed through the skies of Colorado just recently, is in some hot water.

County Sheriff Jim Alderden announced that Richard Heene will face future misdemeanor charges.


“We do anticipate at some point in the future, there will be some criminal charges filed with regards to this incident,”

Well, I think there oughta be as Mr. Heene attempted to put his face in the media using his 6 year-old boy who they claimed was trapped in that floating science experiment.

Balloon Boy stated on Larry King Live that “we did this for the show.” He basically throwing his dad under the bus with that statement. If that doesn’t merit a spanking, I don’t what will. You better run and hide again, Falcon.

The Heene family is under current investigation based on reports that they “took these children into potentially dangerous situations” involving storm chases, experimental balloons and other activities.

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